Tuesday, May 16, 2006

X-Men 3

WOW!!! Righteous !!! I just watched a 7 minute clip that the man exclusively has and this is going to be probably the best X-Men movie yet! The graphics look awesome and the plot along with the battle scenes are extravegent!!! I actually forgot that I was at work while watching it, cust was on hold and everything... LOL! Well this lady will not stop repeating everything I say and I am Tech Connected so I might just pull a BOFH on her ass!!! Oh if I do not return for a while that means I won the lotto tonight and used a super-soaker filled woth corn syrup at work after I took 5 calls that I got to say everything that every tech support agent wants to say ... "YOUR A %$#@ing IDIOT!!!!", " send the computer back!! better yet wrap it in duct tape and sit on it.. buns toasty yet?? good and thanks for choosing _____"!!! then I would fly to Manhattan to buy my two cars .. http://www.manhattanmotorcars.com/
the Murcielago Roadster
and the Saleen S7 .
I will fly myself and my friend Chris to Manhattan and make a quick road trip or just have the Saleen S7 delivered and drive the Lamborghini back down here.. Haven't quite decided on that yet. LOL. It will be great!! Well off to school I go and to all a good night!


Blogger Mischa said...

D00Dzor! X-Men3 will truly r0xx0r!

12:07 AM  

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